Creative thinking

As a veterinarian or livestock farmer, you may encounter complex challenges. Simple solutions are not always available. In such cases, it's comforting to have a partner who is willing to brainstorm with you, a partner who thinks in terms of possibilities. For example... How can we ensure the delivery of the vaccine... Can we still obtain registration for that specific product... How can we find a preventive solution for that very specific disease... The FIXR® product range has emerged because we think differently—always considering possibilities. Do you have a problem? Present us with the challenge! Click here.

Quality focussed

Tastes may differ, but there is no debate about quality. When it comes to vaccines, you expect the quality to be consistently excellent. This applies to FIXR® products, which are fully integrated into Kernfarm's processes. Kernfarm is GMP certified. Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) is an integral part of quality assurance in pharmaceutical production. It ensures that manufacturers consistently produce and control medicines according to the quality standards for their intended use. Additionally, we collaborate with recognized suppliers and producers. Thanks to our meticulous and controlled processes, we can guarantee the quality of our services and products. If you have any questions, feel free to let us know. Click here.

Driven to deliver

FIXR® was established within five years of Kernfarm's founding. We take pride in introducing our own product line to the market in such a short time. It accurately reflects our approach: thinking differently, daring, and taking action. Every day, we are challenged and driven by diverse questions. We are eager to collaborate with veterinarians and livestock farmers, as well as with a global network of pharmaceutical companies and producers. Together, we strive to quickly and effectively make the right vaccine available. We do this transparently... and we don't give up. It's the personal approach and the extra effort that makes the difference. Would you like to discuss your challenge? 

Questions about your order?

Customer service 

Our Customer Service department is ready to answer all your questions about delivery times, orders, deliveries and invoices. Do you want to know when your order will arrive at the practice? That depends in part on the type of product that you require, but one thing is certain: we are fast. When you call Kernfarm, we will flock straight to it and will not rest until you are satisfied. 

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